Unclaimed Property/Money for Yarmouth Residents
It’s that time of year when our State Treasurer releases a list of monies owed to Yarmouth residents and business owners, and there are many in Yarmouth that have money due to them. Last year legislative efforts returned $986,610 to almost 3,000 rightful owners. Here is a listing of names here in Yarmouth who have money due them:
Abbott, Ainsworth, Allen, Ames, Newar, Arseault, Asherman, Atlantic Insurance, Ayer, Balzano, Barker, Barough, Beckmann, Bennett, Berry, Bertoni, Bickford, Biggs, Billmere, Bintliff, Bioetica, inc., Biscoe, Bisson, Blackwood, Blaisdell, Blue Star Corp., Bohrmann, Bourgeois, Bolden, Bowie, Boynton, Bradley, Bragg, Breed,Brentwood Rehab, Brill, Brown, Bubier, Bunchstead, Campbell, Carpentier, Carrigan, Carroll, Cashell, Cawley, Chambers, Chase Manhattan, Christopher Blum Mason Contractor, Clark, Cleaves,Clockedile, Cole Haan, Coleman, Colesworthy, Collins, Conrad, Conyngham, Copeland, Couch, Cousins Island Cemetary Association, Crawford, Cree, Creighton, Cross, Crystal, Darnell, Davies, Davis, Denuccis Inc., Derrey’s Grill, Desai, Destreicher, Dickinson, Didomincus, Dinerstein, Dodge, Donavan’s Restaurant, Douglas, Dundon, Dyer, Emp, England, Eplourde, Erkkinen, Estabrook, Ferrell, First Universalist Church, Fischer, Flaherty, Fochler, Fohlin, Foster, Fried, Gaia Chiropractic, Gallagher, Gardner, Garrett, Gawle, Geiringer, Gendron, Gillert, Glassock, Glessner, Goddard, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gorman, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greenleaf, Griffith, Groces, Gross, Haas, Hall, Hampton, Handcock, Handy, Hawkes, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Heather, Hesley, Hichborn, Hillery, Hilton, Hodder, Holdworth, Hornecker, Howe, Hughes, Hunt, Hunter, Intercultural Press, Jackson, Jaynes, Johnston, Joly, Junge, Kelly, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kenney, King, Kinser, Knight, Koletsky, Koss, Kuhl, Kuhn, Labell, Laliberte, Landry, Lane, Laprade, Lee, Lepley, Leslie, Lloyd, Loomis, MacFarland, Main Street Market, Maine Technical Source, Mangan, Marion, Mary, Mathews, Mathieu, Matos, Matteson, Mavodones, McAleer, McAllister, McCain, McCarthy, McChord, McClain, McElhinny, McKeen, McLain, McLaughlin, Megathlin, Meier, Merrill, Micucci, Miles, Milley, Mirabito, Mister Bagel, Molloy, Momborquette, Monahan, Moore, More, Moriarty, Moulton, Moylan, Mulry, Nappi, Nason, Neal, Nelson, Nordholm, Northrup, Norton, Oliza, Olson, Parsins, Pascarella, Pavles, Payson, Pelletier, Perkins, Perrault, Petrucci, Pierce, PMI, Podeschi, Pope, Porter, Pott, Powers, Preble, Pride, Professional Planning, Quale, Quest Travel, Reichert, Ricciardi, Rice, Richardson, Riddle, Ridlon, Robatzek, Robbins, Roberge, Rogers, Rouda, Routhier, Rowinski, Royal River Coop, Royal River Family Care, Rudnick, Ruetty, Rustad, Sauger, Sawall, Sawiski, Sawyer, Sayre, Schulz, Seabury, Shepheard, Sibley, Simmons, Simonds, Simonton, Smith, Snow, Soule, Spear, Spinney, Stanton, State Farm Ins, Stauffer, Stern, Stickney, Stowell, Street, Sullivan, Sundaram, Swett, Sylvius, Szalajeski, Tanner, Targeted Learning, Theodores, Therrien, Thibodeau, Thomas, Thompson, Tingley, Tobias, Todd, Tompkins, Tonya Deal, Totta, Toyland, Trainque, Trask, Tull, Turndorf, Tuner, Tyrrell, Underhal, Vaughan, Vigue, Vitalius, Waise, Wakelin, Walsh, Warming,Waterman, Watkins, Watson, Webber, Webster, Weigel, Weiss, Wentzell, Wertanen, West, Wheaton, White, Whitten, Willette, Winslow, Wirebaugh, Wriggins, Wyman, Yarmouth Police Dept., Yoder, York, Zheng
If you find you name on the list, please go to the Treasurer’s online search and claim system at www.maine.gov/unclaimed. This online process can allow claimants to receive checks within two weeks of filing. If you do not have internet access, you can call the unclaimed property line toll free at 888-283-2808 for a verbal inquiry. If you recognize community members on the list, please assist this process by passing the information along so that everyone can get the notification. Your State Representative, Melissa Walsh Innes, is also available to help you at 846-4302 or melissawalshinnes@gmail.com.
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